Thursday, March 31, 2022

In the smallest things

God comes to us in ways that we are capable of seeing him, including in the spring rains and puddles.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Multitudes of the isles

When we think of the lands that the Israelites lived in, especially David the Psalmist, we think of arid land. But David saw that even the far away peoples of island nations were able to bless the Lord.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The effect of prayer

Prayer creates a space within space where our senses and our spirits align us to God's kingdom.

San Óscar Romero, 24 marzo

What else is there? A passionate dedication to the poor and work to overcome inequalities.

Monday, March 21, 2022

In times of anxiety

Most times we know what is causing our anxiety, family stress, money problems, health concerns. But sometimes we're not even sure where the feelings find from. But Good is there ready to heal and protect us.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

St. Patrick

What are the graces or blessings Good has bestowed upon me? Have I shared them as he commanded? What am I being selfish with?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Corpus Christi

When we celebrate the Eucharist together, whether we're actively imagining the Lord's presence or whether burdened by the world we are only fulfilling the ritual, he strengthens and nourishes us so that we can continue on the pilgrimage homeward.

Heart of a servant

In this image, it's not clear whether this man is the servant, or whether he is in need. Jesus calls us to identify closely with those around us, and to sell constantly to find ways to serve Him by serving others.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A good laugh

Today's quote is from Karl Rahner, German Jesuit who became a theologian of mysticism. To laugh is to join God in His enjoyment of the absurd beauty of human beings!

Friday, March 11, 2022

What is a simple faith?

My long time friend Ben Alford wrote a sermon about how his faith had changed over the years, but he got a lot of criticism and eventually lost his job for it. I consider him a hero.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Vessel of justice and love

Where do we get the inspiration to work for justice in the world? Where do we get the strength? How do we remain constant when so many evil things happen every day? We go back to the source, the broken heart of ardent love he has for us.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Who needs Jesus?

The Pharisees were annoyed that Jesus was hanging out with low lifes. But Jesus challenged their understanding of the Kingdom. It's not the strong, the wealthy, the well connected that the Kingdom is for, but rather those who have been left behind.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Be merciful

Imitating Christ will mean taking on his character traits as well as doing the things he did. I'm this image, I see a man who has received mercy from someone sharing that mercy with me. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Honoring John and Charles Wesley

Today the Episcopal church gives thanks for the witness of John and Charles Wesley, two lifelong Anglicans whose hearts burned with love for our Savior.

For a richer prayerlife

During Lent, we approach prayer with the expectation of a renewed and deeper relationship with the Beloved. Sometimes rituals such as lighting a candle or incense can help us enter into the moment and focus our minds, tuning our hearts to that of the Lord.